Read your notes on radio dramas and answer the questions that are set. All answers must be submitted on the Apollo portal.

Lesson Files
Lesson Questions

1. In your own words, explain what you understand by a radio drama. (2)

2. Name three important elements that make a radio drama interesting to listen to. (3)

3. The audience listening to a radio drama rely on order for the show to be entertaining. (2)

4. State two ways in which the actor can create tension in a radio drama. Give an example to support your answer. (2x2=4)

5. Define the term 'acoustic'. (2)

6. What is a genre'? Give an example of a genre'. (2)

7. What does it mean when an actor is given a 'cue'? (2)

8. What is the Greek name given to all actors and actresses? (2)

9. What is the job of a 'narator'? (2)

10. Create an original advert that could be used on radio. You must include sound effects and a song that would best suit the advert. (5) 

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