Anti apartheid essay analysis


 Insight to bear in mind concerning the AAM essay.

Activities of the anti-apartheid movements all were aimed at putting pressure on the apartheid regime and isolating the SA government. To do this they needed great public awareness throughout the world. Pressure had to be brought down on the Key apartheid government’s allies, the USA and Britain.

In the essay not only must you identify the various methods the AAM used to do this but you must show why these methods were so effective (or not?).

When writing your essay, highlight the following:

By isolating the apartheid government it had a negative psychological impact on the government. Isolation meant no allies and military assistance.

Bear in mind that whites had the vote and any pressure felt by the white community would be brought to the government by deputations or by a loss of votes in elections, the apartheid government could be voted out. By targeting activities that white people valued it was believed that whites would see the evil of apartheid and abandon their support of it. To achieve this the following boycotts happened:

» Cultural boycotts (e.g. by actors union Equity)

» Academic boycott - academics from SA excluded from international conferences

• Sports boycott: NB

Please note that the white community was sports mad. They desperately wanted to see their national teams pitted against the world’s best. It was made very clear that if they wanted to do so SA must abandon apartheid first. Many whites pressured government to end apartheid just based on sport,

Free Mandela Campaign

Here this movement was so successful that shortly after the Free Mandela concert the US congress called for his release. Mandela’s release would signal a willingness to negotiate the end of apartheid.


Disinvestment and sanctions

This had the biggest impact on the apartheid government. The apartheid government desperately wanted to trade with the rest of the world. Furthermore white South Africans complained to the government about the loss of income. Voters slowly turned away from the National Party. Most importantly, government revenue dropped because of sanctions. Apartheid was very expensive to administer. It needed money for homelands and for the massive army which was propping it up.

All these boycotts and actions were ultimately successful because these activities (sport, trade etc) meant much to both the apartheid government and the white community. In the end apartheid was ended in return for being allowed to participate in these areas.







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