Exam preparation - 10 September 2020

Dear Grade Twelves

It is often the key or instruction words in the questions that baffle you.  You have the material or knowledge to answer the questions, but it is essential to know what the examiner needs in your answer.

Please use the attached information for all your papers, not just for English.  Do not be afraid to underline these words in the exam paper when you see them. Use your highlighters to help you.  We do not need a pristine question paper returned to us because we will be marking your answer booklet, and not the question paper, so make it user friendly for yourself.

Rember to read the instructions on the cover page and for each section of your papers carefully.  Return to them before you begin each section.

Practice mindfulness.  Focus on your paper; survive like Pi, adapting to what is immediately in front of you - You can save the outside world afterwords!

All the best!

Mrs Ramlall

Lesson Questions