Impact of Recent Legislation on Businesses- Labour Relations Act [1]

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Purpose of the Labour Relations 

          Provides a framework/structure for labour relations between employers and employees.

          Promotes collective bargaining at the workplace.

          Promotes workplace forums to accommodate employees in decision making.

          Establishes Labour Courts and Labour Appeal Courts.

          Promotes simple procedures for the registration of trade unions and employer organisations.

          Provides for the right to lock-out by the employer as a reaction to lengthy strikes.

          Promotes fair labour practice between the employers and employees.

          Clarifies the transfer of employment contracts between the existing and new employers.

          Advances economic development/social justice/labour peace to ensure that the workplace maintains the basic rights of employees.

          Establishes the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) for dispute resolutions.


Impact of the LRA on business 


          Promotes a healthy relationship between the employer and employees Protects the rights of businesses in labour related issues.

          Labour disputes are settled quicker and are less expensive.

          Protect employers who embark on lawful lock-outs when negotiations between parties fail.

          LRA provides for the principles of collective bargaining and puts structures in place with which disputes in the workplace can be settled.

          Provides specific guidelines for employers on correct and fair disciplinary procedures.

          Employers and employees have guidelines regarding correct and fair dismissal procedures.

          Provides mechanisms such as statutory councils/collective bargaining/ CCMA.

          Employers are entitled to compensation from the Labour Court if they suffered damages as a result of unprotected strikes.

          Workplace forums can add value to businesses if it functions properly.





        Productivity may decrease if employees are allowed to participate in the activities of trade unions during work time.

        Costs of labour increases because of legal strikes

        Reduced global competitiveness due to lower productivity

        Employers may have to disclose information about workplace issues to union representatives that could be the core of their competitive advantage.

        Employers may not dismiss employees at will, as procedures have to be followed.

        Some businesses may feel that the LRA gives employees too much power as it creates lengthy procedures, e.g.

consulting with workplace forums.

        Employers may not get a court interdict to stop a strike.

        Strike actions always result in loss of production for which employers may not claim.

        Some trade unions may not promote the mandate of their members but embark on industrial action, which is harmful to labour relations between employers and employees.

        Many employees and employers do not understand/respect the Labour Relations Act. 

        Labour disputes and bargaining council processes become disruptive/ time consuming and can lead to a decrease in productivity in businesses.

        Many employees take advantage of the right to strike without acknowledging their responsibilities.


Discriminatory actions according to the LRA 

        Promoting the interest of one trade union over others in the workplace.

        Dismissing employees from a racial group participated/engaged in an illegal strike action.

        Allowing only particular gender/age groups to be part of workplace forums.

        Granting leaves to attend union meetings/activities/programmes only to site stewards/union representatives.

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