Chemical Reactions Week 15 June to 19 June 2020

Please follow the same year plan posted for the previous lessons:

Instructions for all learners of Natural Sciences (Grades 8 and 9) and Life Sciences (Grades 10, 11, 12)



Attached, you have the full Year Plan for your Grade in this Subject, as it has been revised for 2020. It shows which sections need to be covered each week, starting from 1 June 2020. (We are aware that some of you are already ahead of this, having already started. Please keep checking that you are not ever left behind, and that you are up-to-date with the Quizzes – as described below.)


While you are working at home at this stage, we expect you to spend enough time on each given section to cover it fully, as Self-Study. Approach it in the following manner:


1.     Make sure you are aware of what work needs to be done each week, by checking the Year-Plan.

2.     Each week, carefully prepared Slides for that week will be presented by us on the D-6 portal for your Grade. Your job is to download these slides onto your own flash-drive (at the start of that week) so that you have access to them at any time in the future.

3.      Read through the relevant texts in your Study Guide, together with your Slides. Then highlight the key points in your Study Guide.

4.     At the end of each Section, answer the Questions in your Work Book. Only when you have finished doing this properly, open the Answers in the Slides, and mark them properly. Make sure you understand the corrections in your answers.


When you are allowed to return to school, we will simply continue our lessons according to where we are on the Year Plan on that date.


Details of tests and other evaluations will only be released as soon as we have clarity on the dates of your return. The matrics already have two tests scheduled, as well as a full Trials Examination. When they return to school, we can give further clarification to them.


For all the other Grades, we will post open-book Quizzes onto this website every Monday afternoon. These will be available at 13h00, and need to be completed and posted back to us before 15h00. The instructions will be clear as to how to proceed. It is imperative that all learners complete and return these Quizzes timeously, to prove their involvement in the subject, and to ensure that they have the results required for ongoing assessments in 2020.


Conclusion: WE have done everything we can to make sure that your education is fully available to you. YOU must make sure that you take full advantage of it.