Visual Art: Positive & Negative Space

It's all about PERSPECTIVE.
The whole of the picture is important if you are to understand what it is you are seeing.
Ever noticed how a tree is bigger than you, but if it is further away from the camera than you are, it suddenly seems smaller? 
How many animals can you see in the picture in the middle at the top?
The elephant is the easiest to see, because it is the biggest. It is also black, which we associate with an image on white paper.
The horse, dog, cat and rat are also pretty obvious. They are positives and negatives which draw attention to the complete space between the elephant's front and back legs.
BUT:  Did you see the ape? (It is the negative space between the elephant's leg and trunk.)
It is white, you may have missed it, because we see the white paper as negative space and not an image.)
This worksheet must be completed and handed in during your lesson on 27-28 July 2032.
Read through the worksheet and underline new and important concepts.
Answer the questions, and complete the exercise on page 40.
You may use any original design, pattern or object for your image.
Use the above examples as a guide. 

Lesson Files
Lesson Questions