Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA

The section we are starting with is Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA).  You did learn about Nucleic Acids in Grade 10.  However this year we will study it more in depth and you will need to develop a sound knowledge on Nucleic acids since it forms a basis for the sections that follow.  So please read, summarise and draw diagrams where necessary.

Attached are the slides on DNA and RNA, read through the slides and answer the questions that follow:

1.  What does DNA stand for and what is the function of DNA?

2.  Name the different types of DNA and where they can be found.

3. Draw a labelled diagram of the nucleus.

4.  What are the monomers of DNA called?

5.  Draw a labelled diagram of one monomer of DNA.

6. Name the 4 nitrogenous bases found in DNA.

7.  Define each of the following:

7.1 intron

7.2 extron

7.3 genes

7.4 histones

7.5 chromosomes

7.6 hydrogen bond.

8.  What is DNA Replication?

9.  Why is DNA replication important?

10.  What is DNA profiling?

11.  What does RNA stand for and what is its functions?

12.  Name the different types of RNA, state where they are found and what are their functions.

13.  Name the nitrogenous bases found in nucleotides of RNA.

14.  Explain ways in which RNA is structurally different from DNA.



Lesson Questions