

The purpose of a brochure

One way that people learn about places, people, or things that they do not know is by reading about them. But what if they don’t have time to read a whole book or they just want a quick overview of the subject? Businesses often use brochures to inform, educate, or persuade—quickly. They use a brochure to grab the readers attention and get them interested enough to want to know more. A brochure for a new convenience shop might have a map and list of all the locations around town and a brief description of the types of products it sells. The brochure for an Animal Shelter may give facts about abandoned animals, pet overpopulation, and the importance of spaying and neutering programs. A travel brochure may show beautiful pictures of exotic places—making you want to visit that city or country. These types of brochures tell enough about a place or an organization to get your interest and make you want to know more.


Create a brochure about the various recreational activities that one can engage in, in and around Pietermaritzburg. Don’t think that you need a lot of words to make it good- pictures, colors, and basic information will be enough. Choose two to three key points about the recreational activities to describe. If there are other important elements, consider listing them in a simple bullet list  in your brochure. 

Recreational activities may include going to the Tatham Art Gallery, the KwaZulu-Natal Museum, Cumberland Nature reserve or Alexandra Park. 

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