Visual Art: Symbols


1.     Read and underline the notes on pages 59 and 61. Now answer the questions.
Realistic logos look exactly like the products they represent, while stylised images can still be recognised as what they stand for. Some logos are so familiar to us simply because we see them everywhere. Companies rely on this brand recognition to sell more of their product.
vexillographer studies the history, shapes, patterns, colours and images of flags and what they represent.
Pink and purple dyes used to be too expensive to produce. Historically, it was used by royalty and the Catholic Church to express their authority. Very few flags show purple or pink, for this reason, because they were designed before cheaper, synthetic dyes were developed.
Most flags are rectangular, but the Swiss & Vatican flags are squares and the Nepalese flag is neither.
Flags of countries with a shared history (Serbia/ Slovakia/ Slovenia/ Croatia/ Russia & Turkey/ Tunisia), similar political ideals (Palestine/ Sudan/ Jordan & Egypt/ Syria/ Iraq /Yemen) or geographical proximity (Russia/ The Netherlands/ Luxembourg/ & Bahrain/ Qatar) may resemble each other. In other cases, these similarities may be coincidental (Liechtenstein/ Haiti & Ivory Coast/ Ireland) and completely unrelated (Sierra Leone/ Lesotho & Mexico/ Italy).
Symbols (Somalia/ Vietnam/ Morocco & Bangladesh/ Japan/ Palau) and colours (Chad/ Romania/ & Andorra/ Moldova) on flags may have a common meaning. The same colours (Cameroon/ Guinea/ Mali/ Senegal & Monaco/ Indonesia/ Singapore/ Poland) or patterns (Liberia/ Malaysia/ Bikini Atoll/ USA) may be used in flags from different countries, but in varied proportions (Ecuador/ Venezuela/ Colombia & Belgium/ Germany), different tones (Ghana/ Bolivia & India/ Niger & Hungary/ Tajikistan) or inverted patterns (Costa Rica/ Thailand & Cuba/ Puerto Rico).
2.     Study the flags and logos in the attached documents and make notes for yourself about style, colour and the meaning of similar symbols.You may discuss this with others and get their opinions too, to make your notes as comprehensive as possible. 
3.Use the information in the memo document to mark your work and do corrections in a different colour.

Lesson Questions

How much out of 30 did you get for your research on LOGOS?
Write only your mark total. 

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What was your mark out of 40 for the research on FLAGS?
Write only your total mark.

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How many marks did you get for the PERSONAL & CULTURAL symbols?
Write only what you got out of 30.

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